Jul 29, 2021
Fire extinguishers, airbags in your car, and smoke alarms in your house are all examples of things in life that don’t really seem to matter – until they do. There are some things in the financial world that are the same way. We’ll explain what they are.
Jul 23, 2021
There’s a lot of focus on accumulating money, but today we’re talking about decumulation. It’s an important part of any retirement plan, and we’ll explain what it is and why you need to know about it.
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Jul 8, 2021
On this episode of the Wealthy Habits podcast, we’re talking about a hot topic – inflation. Whether you're watching TV, reading the newspaper, or talking finances with people, you’ll hear the word inflation a lot lately. We want try to help you understand it, what it means and how it could affect your financial...
Jul 1, 2021
Today, we’re answering your most pressing financial questions about how much to save for retirement, whether to buy a dream home and if you should kick your sister out of mom’s house.